MilSpouse Friday is an awesome meme started by Wife of a Sailor that allows Military spouses the chance to meet and get to know other spouses. Come join in on the fun!
This week's questions have come from participants of MilSpouse Friday Fill-In.
1. If you could be a fugitive from the law for whatever reason, what would your crime be? (from It's a Hooah Life)
- First of all, I don't see me living a life of crime in my future. BUT, if I was a fugitive, it would be because I was a jewelry thief. I would hope it would be difficult for them to "catch" me because I wouldn't be doing the dirty work. I would have my henchmen/henchwomen doing all the grunt work and then I'd reap the rewards. Ahhh, a life of crime sounds interesting, dangerous,! But alas, it's not for me!
2. How long do you think you will be a military family? (from Julie the Army Wife)
- Funny. We just had this conversation with the family at our family reunion earlier this month. The Hubster is looking to retire from the Navy. This was news to me since I had suggested it a few years ago and he turned his nose up at the thought. He's in the process of putting together his LDO package. Right now he has 9 years in. So yeah, we'll be a military family for a cool little minute! LOL! Plus, I've considered going active myself. Who knows.
3. What's your favorite recipe? (from Keep Calm and Soldier On)
- Right now, hands down, it's Tiana's Famous Beignets from The Princess and the Frog Tiana's Cookbook. My daughter got it for her 2nd birthday in April and that is the first thing we made! They are soooo good. Check out the post I did here for the recipe. And I found a honey butter glaze to drizzle on top. O-M-G! Scrumptious!
4. What would you want your last five words to be when you leave this life? (from My Goal is Simple)
- Oh wow! Let's see. It'll either have to be "Loved my husband and kids" or "Don't fight over my estate!".
5. Where do you hope to retire? (from Pennies from Heaven)
- Wherever my family will be happiest :-)
7 Love Its or Hate Its:
Just found your Blog through the Friday Fill-In and I love it! I'm also thinking about going Active Army next year. Then if Mr. F leaves the Army HE can be the stay-at-home-Dad...It's comforting to know that I'm not the only crazy MilSpouse out there considering this! :-)
Good luck with the LDO package! My husband is an LDO and I couldn't be more proud! :)
You're thinking about going active, huh? Think it through long and hard. Dual military life can be quite challenging, especially if there are kids in the picture.
The recipe sounds awesome! I love beignets :) We stayed at the French Quarter in Disney and they served beignets for breakfast...yum!
HAHAHA - I like the idea of not doing the dirty work but getting the rewards in your #1 and then your final words CRACKED me up :)
I love beignets! We lived in New Orleans (dd 12 was born there) and I miss it so much - but not the bugs! LOL @ #1 - wish I had thought of that!
Don't fight over my estate! That's great! LOL!
WHO KNEW that Princess Tiana had a cookbook?!
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