Those Who Love Me!

Turbo Fire!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Blog Carnival Day 2: Christmas Wouldn't be Christmas Without....

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Day 2: Christmas Wouldn't be Christmas Without...

...My family!

I was having a conversation the other day about this time of year and mentioned to the individual that the holidays definitely would not be the same without my family. More specifically my husband and daughter. Having us all together just makes my heart smile!

 I love seeing those two interact with one another. Just last night we finally decorated the tree (well, most of it since our tree topper and a few collectible ornaments are MIA) and we had a blast! Mini Me's idea of helping with hanging the ornaments was grabbing an armful of them and setting them down in front of her Daddy and saying "Put on tree Daddy". The tinsel is what interested her the most and she just piled that all on one branch! The highlight, for me, was watching her and The Hubster hang the ornament she picked out (you can view that post here).

Last year The Hubster wasn't here for the holidays. He had just returned to sea duty and left 3 months after we PCSed. And boy were the holidays rough. Not as rough as they would have been if they were Mini Me's first holidays. We were lucky enough to have him home to experience all of her firsts. Even though Mini Me and I went to spend Christmas with family in Louisiana, it still wasn't the same. I wanted my husband with us. Christmas brings the best out of people. It brings warmth, love and joy that you don't experience throughout the rest of the year. Christmas is just better when it's with the ones you love.

So this year, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to spend it with those who matter most to me because I know many of our fellow military families will not have that same opportunity. And to those families, just know that we are thinking of you this holiday season!!

7 Love Its or Hate Its:

Kelley said...

So, so true. I have many, many friends whose husbands are in Afghanistan this Christmas and my heart aches for them.

I'm so glad that your hubby is here this year and that you all are able to celebrate together.

Pattie said...

Good post--love your insights on holidays with the hubby and without. Thanks for sharing your heart!

Jessica said...

Hi! Stopping by from Wives of Faith

Great post and so very true...I am very glad that you will be able to have the holiday's with your family. I understand how much more you appreciate these times.

Amber said...

LOL! Our tree topper is MIA too. But the tree is just as beautiful without it! Hope you find yours.

Beth said...

I like the way you call your husband, "The Hubster!" Cute!! Merry Christmas!

Midlife Army Wife said...

So glad you all get to spend Christmas together this year! Great post!

Ebony S said...

(Popping over from WoF)
I'm glad you get to soak it all in this Christmas, since we all know it's so different every year!

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