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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Healthy Mommy Pledge

Juicer: CHECK. Fruits & Veggies: CHECK. Workout Plan: DOUBLE CHECK! Sisters to get healthier with: TRIPLE CHECK!

Things have seriously been happening and coming to my attention alot lately. Not only did I start working out again on a consistent basis last week. I found my missing P90X DVDs (I'm so excited about that!), found out that my Proverbs 31 Sisters are ready and motivated to start living healthier AND the book we're studying from has us practicing Healthy Eating Habits this coming week. And while browsing my favorite blogs, I saw that Mrs. Muffins has re-posted her pledge to being a Healthy Mommy! Coincidence? I think not! You can join in too. Just follow the link below and sign your pledge as well!

By signing this pledge, I promise to abide by the Healthy Mommy guidelines as listed below:

* If I wouldn't let my children eat it, I won't eat it myself. This includes cigarettes! Alcohol, in moderation for special occasions is okay.

* I will exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. :)
(Exercise = Anything that gets your heart pumping!)

* I will not talk bad about my body, especially in front of my children. Not only does talking bad about your body hurt yourself, it can teach your children to do the same thing to themselves!

* I will encourage and support other Healthy Mommies.

5 Love Its or Hate Its:

Unknown said...

good for you! I am proud of you for taking the time to get healthy so that you may have many many extra years with your family!

Kat @My Tots Exactly said...

New follower from Mailbox Monday. Please let me know when you have an email subscription widget so I can subscribe too. Have a great week! :)

~~ Kat ~~
My Tots Exactly!
My Tummy Calls
My Game of Chance

Katina said...

Love this I am going to do this!!!

Yakini said...

This is a really great pledge! I love those guidelines!

New follower!!!!

Mrs. JPT said...

@Erica, I definitely have to be here for a long time! Want to grow really old so I can tell my future grandchildren that I had to walk 10 miles to and from school in 10 inches of snow, LOL!! It wouldn't be be true of course since they would know I was Cali born and raised. But it would be fun to tease them!

@Momsy Katsy, I never thought about a email subscription! I'm going to look into. Thanks for stopping by!

@Katina, I saw you posted this on your blog as well! I'll be checking on you girl.

@Yakini, I thought so too! That's why I joined it because I sure have been talking about myself since having a child :( And I am so going to stop that! Thankd for stopping by. I love your blog!

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