Those Who Love Me!

Turbo Fire!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I LOVE Working Out!

I got in one awesome upper body and core workout today! I've come to realize that, I'm not too big a fan of the stationary bike. I mean, I guess it's ok from time to time but, it's kind of boring! LOL! Hit the weights and man did I feel great afterwards! One thing that I know adds a boost to my workout is having my two workout buddies with me; my friend and my 2 yr. old daughter. I get to have adult convo and watch Mini Me get her workout on too trying to imitate what I do. Got to start them young I say!

On to the "fun stuff". I weighed in this morning at my doctor appointment at 189.4 lbs. Sheesh! I'm only 9 lbs. away from my starting weight when I found out we were preggo. And 19 lbs. away from when I was a personal trainer. So, I'm thinking I might be able to get to at least 175 by March. You think? I don't know! But what I do know is that as long as mama is looking hot and feeling like her old athletic self again, I'll be happy! And I do know that I totally miscalculated how much work it was going to take to bounce back from having a baby ::smh::

Over the next week or so, I'll be trying out a 7 day detox program from The Raw Divas. I've been looking over the eBook and I am about to listen to a recording from them after I put the little to bed (yes I know it's late but she took a really late nap!). Basically The Raw Divas give you a short program to detox and rejuvenate your body by eating raw foods. Raw meaning fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. You know, the nutrient dense foods we are suppose to be including in our diets anyway! I officially start in a day and a half I do believe and will of course blog about it. Or maybe vlog? Hmmm...that's an option! Who knows! I will, however, those pictures up tomorrow.

Are any of you currently trying to get fit or get healthier? I'd love to hear from you!

Until next post...

1 Love Its or Hate Its:

Anonymous said...

I love it that you take your daughter with you to work out! My kids always want to work out with me at home and are sad when I go over my lunch break instead :)

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