Those Who Love Me!

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!!

Welcome everyone! This is the first topic from the new weekly blog carnival Faith Friday at Wives of Faith. I first came across Wives of Faith in May during the MilSpouse Blog Carnival which was absolutely awesome!

This week's topic is entitled "Let Freedom Ring". Here is what freedom means to me:

1. Freedom to love who I want.
2. Freedom to my own opinion.
3. Freedom to raise my child in only a way that is pleasing to my God.
4. Freedom to vote for an individual who I feel is the best candidate. Regardless of their political affiliation.
5. Freedom to praise God without being insulted and criticized.
6. Freedom to be ME!

Of course these aren't in any particular order, but you get the picture. Too many times people feel they have the audacity to take away or criticize other's freedoms because they don't agree with them. And we all know that's not right. God gave us all the ability to have our own interests, desires, like and dislikes and ability to think for ourselves. No one should infringe on that.

I'm not going to act all high and mighty though. I have more than likely fallen into the category of those who try to push their opinion on others. I sure have. But what I have completely changed that. I listen to others. I share my personal opinion and that's it. I know far too well what it feels like to have my basic freedom taken from me and you know what, it sucks!

The few freedoms I listed above are protected and made possible by our military men and women and my own personal Sailor! On this 4th of July weekend, I am thankful for the job and sacrifices that these men and women do and make on a regular basis. They have taken an oath, to protect those that they never know and will more than likely never know. But they put their lives on the line in the name of FREEDOM. I will be forever grateful for them and their families.

I hope everyone has a beautiful and safe 4th of July. Remember thank the military men and women that you know and even those that you don't know. For without them, who knows what kind of state our country and our FREEDOMS would be in.

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